Orthodontic Treatment – Braces Treatment

Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with corrections involving jaw and teeth alignment. Braces employ the use of wires and are usually one of three types:

Begg’s Technique– Indian Technique
Straight Wire Technique– American Technique (Available in Metal and Ceramic Braces)
Self Ligating Technique (Available in Metal and Ceramic Braces)

Clear Aligners ( invisible brace or clear braces) are the most recent dental appliance used for teeth straightening. Here we Uses Aligners instead of Braces and metal wires to correct Teeth Alignment.

Clear Aligners ( invisible brace or clear braces) are the most recent dental appliance used for teeth straightening. Here we Uses Aligners instead of Braces and metal wires to correct Teeth Alignment.

Novoalign, ClearCorrect (straumann Group), Illusion Aligners, Flash Aligners, Dentcare Aligners, Invisalign Aligners, K Line Aligners

The chief orthodontist of Saoji Dental Clinic & Implant Center have received certified training abroad. This is one of the reasons that Saoji Dental Clinic & Implant Center is one of the few clinics that specialize in offering treatment with braces not only to young children, but also to adults. The high skill customization & best quality of braces ensures that the orthodontic treatment is quick & comfortable. Most patients at Saoji Dental Clinic & Implant Center do not complain of pain during the treatment procedure. At Saoji Dental Clinic & Implant Center we have some special techniques for making the treatment faster than normal.

What Are Some Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

At Dr. Varun’s Saoji Dental Clinic & Implant Center (Juhu & Jogeshwari) is a multispeciality dental clinic offering orthodontia braces services implying the latest technology with well equipped instruments.

Factors Influence The Cost Of Braces

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with corrections involving jaw and teeth alignment. Braces employ the use of wires and are usually one of three types:

Quality of materials use & Type of Braces

Complexity of The Case.

Cases that require significant movement of teeth and/or the patient’s jaw structures are often described as complex which require more time, more efforts and more cost. Here are some complex called Cases like, with multiple missing teeth, severe overcrowding, impacted dentition and Crossbite, Openbite, Cl-II and Cl-III Malocclusion.

Additional charges

whether IPR (Interproximal reduction), Extraction, scaling, Filling or Transparent retainer plates are required or not.

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